User API Operations

JSON REST: Object Definitions

This definition lists named resources that can be manipulated using a small number of HTTP methods. The ESPA REST JSON API uses standard HTTP methods, in order to do things like List, Get, Create, and Update.

Schema definitions

HTTP Method URI Action
GET /api/ Lists all available versions of the api.
GET /api/v0 Lists all available api operations.
GET /api/v0/projections Lists and describes available projections, and their ordering constraints (min/max values, etc.).
GET /api/v0/formats Lists all available output filetype formats
GET /api/v0/resampling-methods Lists all available resampling methods
GET /api/v0/order-schema Retrieves entire order schema definition
GET /api/v0/available-products Lists available products ("toa","sr",...) for the supplied inputs

Note: The available-products resource maps the input IDs by sensor, or lists as "not_implemented" if the values cannot be ordered or determined.

User Authentication

HTTP Method URI Action
GET /api/v0/user Returns user information for the authenticated user.
Pro tip

Use the `$HOME/.netrc` file, for automatic user authentication. This allows `curl -n` to handle login, replacing `curl --user :`!

Orders and Scenes

HTTP Method URI Action
GET /api/v0/list-orders List orders for the authenticated user.
GET /api/v0/list-orders/ Lists orders for the supplied email. Necessary to support user collaboration
GET, POST, PUT /api/v0/order/ Retrieves details for a submitted order, or Create/Update existing order
GET /api/v0/order-status/ Retrieves a submitted orders status
GET /api/v0/item-status/ Retrieve the status and details for all products in an order

GET /api

Lists all available versions of the api.

curl --user :
// Response:
                "v0": "Version 0 of the ESPA API"

GET /api/v0

Lists all available api operations.

curl --user :
// Response:
                "description": "Version 0 of the ESPA API",
                "operations": {
                    "/api": {
                        "function": "list versions",
                        "methods": ["HEAD","GET"]
                "/api/v0": {
                    "function": "list operations",
                    "methods": ["HEAD","GET"]
                    } // ...

GET /api/v0/user

Returns user information for the authenticated user.

curl --user :
// Response:
                "email": "",
                "first_name": "Production",
                "last_name": "Person",
                "roles": ["active"],
                "username": "production"

GET /api/v0/available-products/\

Lists the available output products for the supplied input.

curl --user :
// Response:
                "etm7": {
                    "inputs": [ "LE07_L1TP_029030_20170221_20170319_01_T1"], 
                    "products": ["source_metadata","stats" // ...]

GET /api/v0/available-products

Lists available products for the supplied inputs. Also classifies the inputs by sensor or lists as 'not implemented' if the values cannot be ordered or determined.

curl  --user : \
                  -X GET \
                  -d '{"inputs":["LE07_L1TP_029030_20170221_20170319_01_T1",
                        "MOD09A1.A2000073.h12v11.005.2008238080250.hdf", "bad_scene_id"]}' \
// Response:
                "etm7_collection_2_l1": {
                    "inputs": ["LE07_L1SP_029030_20170221_20170319_02_T1"], 
                    "products": ["source_metadata","stats" // ...]
                "mod09a1": {
                    "inputs": ["MOD09A1.A2000073.h12v11.005.2008238080250.hdf"], 
                    "outputs": ["l1", "stats"]
                "not_implemented": ["bad_scene_id"]

GET /api/v0/projections

Lists and describes available projections. This is a dump of the schema defined that constrains projection info.

curl --user :
// Response:
                "aea": {
                    "title": "Albers Equal Area",
                    "pixel_units": ["meters", "dd"],
                "properties": {
                "central_meridian": {
                    "title": "Central Meridian",
                    "maximum": 180, 
                    "minimum": -180, 
                    "required": true, 
                    "type": "number"
                "datum": {
                    "title": "Datum",
                    "nad27": "North American Datum 1927",
                    "nad83": "North American Datum 1983",
                    "wgs84": "World Geodetic System 1984"
                    "required": true, 
                    "type": "string"
                    } // ...
                "type": "object"
                "lonlat": {
                    "title": "Geographic",
                    "pixel_units": ["dd"],
                    "type": "null"
                    } // ...

GET /api/v0/formats

Lists all available output formats

curl --user :
// Response: 
                "formats": {
                    "envi": "ENVI",
                    "gtiff": "GeoTiff", // ...

GET /api/v0/resampling-methods

Lists all available resampling methods

curl --user :
// Response: 
                "resampling_methods": {
                    "nn": "Nearest Neighbor", 
                    "bil": "Bilinear Interpolation", 
                    "cc": "Cubic Convolution"

GET /api/v0/list-orders

List orders for the authenticated user.

curl --user :
// Response: 

Also accepts JSON filters:

curl --user : -X GET -d '{"status": "complete"}'

GET /api/v0/list-orders/\

Lists orders for the supplied email. Necessary to support user collaboration.

curl --user :
// Response: 

GET /api/v0/order-status/\

Retrieves a submitted orders status

curl --user :
// Response: 
                "orderid": "",
                "status": "complete"

GET /api/v0/order/\

Retrieves details for a submitted order. Some information may be omitted from this response depending on access privileges.

curl --user :

              "completion_date": "2016-08-01T14:47:08.589621",
                  "note": "",
                  "order_date": "2016-08-01T14:17:48.589621",
                  "order_source": "espa",
                  "order_type": "level2_ondemand",
                  "orderid": "",
                  "priority": "normal",
                  "product_options": "",
                "product_opts": {
                    "format": "gtiff",
                    "tm5_collection_2_l1": {
                        "inputs": ["LT05_L1SP_026028_20111022_20160830_02_T1"],
                        "products": ["sr"]
              "status": "complete"

GET /api/v0/item-status/\

Retrieve the status and details for all products in an order.

curl --user :
// Response: 
                "": [
                    "cksum_download_url": "",
                    "completion_date": "2016-08-01T14:17:08.589621",
                    "name": "LE07_L1TP_010028_20050420_20160925_01_T1", 
                    "note": "", 
                    "product_dload_url": "",
                    "status": "complete"
                    "cksum_download_url": "",
                    "completion_date": "",
                    "name": "LT05_L1TP_026028_20111022_20160830_01_T1", 
                    "note": "", 
                    "product_dload_url": "",
                    "status": "oncache"

Also accepts JSON filters:

curl --user : \
                  -X GET \
                  -d '{"status": "complete"}' \

GET /api/v0/item-status/\/\

Retrieve status and details for a particular product in an order

curl --user : \

              "": [
                      "cksum_download_url": "",
                      "completion_date": "2016-08-01T14:17:08.589621",
                      "name": "LE07_L1TP_010028_20050420_20160925_01_T1", 
                      "note": "", 
                      "product_dload_url": "",
                      "status": "complete"

POST /api/v0/order

Accepts requests for process from an HTTP POST with a JSON body. The body is validated against the schema definitions. Errors are returned to user, successful validation returns an orderid

curl --user : -d '{"olitirs8_collection_2_l1": 
                  "inputs": ["LC08_L1SP_027027_20160722_20170221_02_T1"], 
                  "products": ["sr"]
                      "format": "gtiff", 
                      "resize": {
                      "pixel_size": 60, 
                      "pixel_size_units": "meters"
                      "resampling_method": "nn", 
                      "projection": {
                      "aea": {
                          "standard_parallel_1": 29.5,
                          "standard_parallel_2": 45.5,
                          "central_meridian": -96.0,
                          "latitude_of_origin": 23.0,
                          "false_easting": 0.0,
                          "false_northing": 0.0,
                          "datum": "wgs84"
                      "image_extents": {
                      "north": 0.0002695,
                      "south": 0,
                      "east": 0.0002695,
                      "west": 0,
                      "units": "dd"
                  "note": "this is going to be sweet..."
// Response: 
                  "orderid": "", 
                  "status": "ordered"

PUT /api/v0/order

Update an order with a JSON body.

curl --user : \
                  -X PUT \
                  -d '{"orderid": "", "status": "cancelled"}' \
// Response:
                  "orderid": "", 
                  "status": "cancelled"

GET /api/v0/order-schema

Retrieves order schema definition

curl --user :

          // Response:
                  "extents": 200000000, 
                  "oneormoreobjects": [
                  "mod09gq" // ...
              "properties": {
                  "etm7_collection_2_l1": {
                    "properties": {
                        "inputs": {
                            "ItemCount": "inputs", 
                                "items": {
                                    "pattern": "^le07_{1}\\w{4}_{1}[0-9]{6}_{1}[0-9]{8}_{1}[0-9]{8}_{1}[0-9]{2}_{1}\\w{2}$", 
                                    "type": "string"
                                    "minItems": 1, 
                                    "required": true, 
                                      "type": "array", 
                                      "uniqueItems": true
                "products": {
                    "items": {
                        "enum": [
                            "toa" // ...
                        "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1, 
                      "required": true, 
                      "restricted": true, 
                      "stats": true, 
                      "type": "array", 
                      "uniqueItems": true
                    "type": "object"
                      "format": {
                        "enum": {
                          "envi": "ENVI",
                          "gtiff": "GeoTiff",
                          "hdf-eos2": "HDF-EOS2",
                          "netcdf": "NetCDF",
                          "cog": "COG"
                      "title": "Output Format",
                      "required": true, 
                      "type": "string"
                  } // ...
                "set_ItemCount": [
                "type": "object"

General API Interactions


The HTTP Response Code coming from the server is the primary method of alerting users of the results of their request (success/fail). In addition to the HTTP Response Code, the JSON response will also include any "messages" which will give clarification of the Response Code, and should always be examined.

The JSON response will only contain "messages" if there is an associated message field contained. It will only contain one object, either:

  1. Errors: An un-recoverable error has occurred
    • "messages": {"errors": [...]}
  2. Warnings: Nothing wrong has occurred inside the system, but these warnings can later elevate to errors (for example, if a product becomes deprecated).
    • "messages": {"warnings": [...]}

HTTP Status Codes

The status code will match the desired behavior, depending on the HTTP Method used:

  • GET: Performs searches for current system states
    • 200 OK: The search was performed successfully (Note: the result returned may be an empty object)
    • 401 Authenication Failed: Could not authenticate the username/password combination
    • 403 Forbidden: The user is not allowed to access the system
    • 404 Not Found: The server could not perform the requested operation
  • POST: For every request, a new state on the server is created
    • 201 Created: A new resource has been created, information of which is included in the response
    • 400 Bad Request: Unable to parse the supplied message
    • 405 Method Not Allowed: Cannot perform POST
  • PUT: Updates a resource, changing it to the desired state
    • 202 Accepted: The resource has been updated, and the response represents the new state

There are circumstances when the server supersedes the API, and gives information related to its current configuration:

  • Server maintenance: The server is either down for maintenance, or experiencing extreme difficulties
    • 500 Internal Server Error: This likely means the server is on fire, and system admins are working to restore it
    • 503 Service Unavailable: This means the server is down for regular maintenance
  • Host redirection: The hostname supplied is now living at a new location
    • 301 Moved Permanently: Use the location header to navigate to the correct page
      • This is usually used for HTTPS redirection, but will also occur during system maintenance

Known Issues

  • POST requests from most MS Windows terminals/command-prompts require json objects be wrapped in double quotes with internal strings wrapped in escaped double quotes. For example: "{\"olitirs8\": {\"inputs\": [\"LC08_L1TP_027027_20160722_20170221_01_T1\"],\"products...